How are we doing it?


The integration of xAPI into Hype takes the form of an extension. Sometimes other applications may call it a plugin, but Max Ziebell calls his work extensions, which is more appropriate. It opens up the functionality of Hype into other worlds.

Currently we are using three methods to organise the xAPI statement before it's sent to a Learning Record Store(LRS).

Method 1: You load an export script into Hype that give you taylored options in the 'actions' panel to create your xAPI statement. We will show you how to do this later.

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Method 2: You use the HTML attributes panel in the 'information' tab to organise your xAPI statements. More about this later.

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Method 3: The third method of sending a statement is with a function. A function can be trigered anywhere in a Hype project. In a timeline, or in the Actons tab of Hype. It can look something like this:


Before we show you how to actually export a statement, we need to show you how to organise your xAPI data.