Setting up
The following tutorial shows you how to set up your HypeXAPI project.
The top section of the HypeXAPI() document holds the LRS credentials. You will need an endpoint, username and password. Once you created an account with your chosen LRS, they provide you with these credentials. Add them here:
Some LRSses bake your credential information into the xapiwrapper that you download from them. If that is the case, you can actually just comment this piece of code out. When you send a statement from Hype, it first looks at the HypeXAPI() document to find the credentials there. If it can't find it there, it looks in the xapiwrapper for the information.
The next section of code in the HypeXAPI() document contains the actor credentials. Normally there is only one actor controlling the input for the project. xAPI expects that actor to be an agent or group. This is where you define your project actor.
The actor information can come from:
- An LMS
- An LXP
- Wordpress site
- Etc.......
- User input
Once you set the path for the actor here, you don't have to worry about it again. Hype will use this for any statement that is sent.
It will be unusual, but if you have to change the actor credentials during the course of the project to someone else, you can in this part of the HypeXAPI() document.
You can call these actors in the HTML Attributes table like you would add a ver or object. You can see how to do this in the 'Sending a statement' section of the documentaion.
In the next section we look at the dictionary.