The dictionary
TSo, you've planned your project. For example, you created a project storyboard in which you also decided what xAPI verbs, objects, results and contexts you want to use. In Hype we created a space where you can finalise your xAPI syntax for your project in the dictionary section of the HypeXAPI() document.
The most basic xAPI statement has an actor, verb and object. Because you've created the default actor earlier in the HypeXAPI() document, you don't need to add it in the dictionary.
In this section of the HypeXAPI() document you define all your verbs. They are grouped like this:
To see all that is currently possible with defining a verb, go this webpage:
You can add as many verbs as you need. After you've defined them here, all you have to do is call for example, 'verb 1' in the GUI and the code takes care of the rest. More about how to do this later.
Some LRS xapiwrappers have a list of verbs already defined. If you use a verb that is defined in the wrapper, you don't have to list it here. For example the verb 'attempted'. When you call the verb 'attempted' in Hype, the code looks at your dictionary to see if it is there. If it can't find it there, it will go and look in the xapiwrapper. If it finds the verb 'attempted' in there, it will use that one for your statement.
In this section of the HypeXAPI() document you define all your objects(activities). They are grouped like this:
To see all that is currently possible with defining an object, go this webpage:
You can add as many objects as you need. After you've defined them here, all you have to do is call for example, 'object 1' in the GUI and the code takes care of the rest. More about how to do this later.
In this section of the HypeXAPI() document you define all your results. They are grouped like this:
To see all that is currently possible with defining results, you can start by exploring this webpage:
You can add as many result sets as you need. After you've defined them here, all you have to do is call for example, 'endScore' in the GUI and the code takes care of the rest. More about how to do this later.
In this section of the HypeXAPI() document you define all your context information. They are grouped like this:
To see all that is currently possible with defining context, go this webpage:
You can add as many contexts as you need, but I think think there won't be many in a project. After you've defined them here, all you have to do is call for example, 'strategy101' in the GUI and the code takes care of the rest. More about how to do this later.
There you have it. Your dictionary is set up. Now you can construct an xAPI statement inside Hype.
In the next section of the documentation we will look at how to send a statement.